Some "firsts" for Lydia...

First piggy-tails and swinging in backyard. She LOVES to swing---and HIGH! She is a thrill-seeker for sure. And, Daddy loves her hair pulled back off her face in pigtails. In this pic (in March), her hair isn't quite long enough, but they are there!
Here is her first
real shopping trip---helping Mommy look for a new suit for a job interview. After much searching (and using every item in my purse for entertainment!), we found

the suit! The suit looked great, the interview went very well, AND I got the job!
This Fall, I will begin my first semester as a professor at the Univ. of Central Missouri, teaching Language Development and supervising student clinicians in the on-campus clinic. A new
and exciting venture for me, and also new adjustments for our family. It has been five years since I've been in private practice and the kids don't know what it's like for me to "go off to work." Thankfully, the faculty schedule is
flexible and the little ones (Ben and Lydia) will go with me to campus, as there is a childcare facility there. I can pop in anytime, eat lunch with them, take them for a walk, or bring them back to my office. Challenges are yet to come I'm sure, but we are used to working hard to overcome and make things okay.

Another "first" first Mother's Day with a little girl! It is such a joy to have her. Ruffled socks and panties, which bow to wear, painting tiny toenails, girlie emotional outbursts, a tiny high-pitched voice singing and trying new words, and sweet kisses are just a few of the things I'm loving! Lydia now has over 30 words that she uses regularly, and her favorites now are "spider" (with little arm motions) to indicate that she wants "Itsy Bitsy Spider", AND whenever she meets new people she says "mama" over and over while watching them carefully, hugging me, and nodding her head---almost as if to say "I know you are not my momma, SHE is..."