Our little Lydia is such a joy to be around! Her personality is really blossoming and we see more of 'who she is' everyday. We have done a few minor interventions---like some sensory (tactile) things and some 'core strengthening' (as Jason calls it) to help her bond through touch and to strengthen those weak trunk muscles. When we first got home she had much diffiulty still with balance and strength---so if she lost balance when sitting or crawling, she would just fall right over and bonk her face or head with no way to 'catch' herself or ease the fall.
So, to sum it up, in four weeks--- she is now walking, I mean practically running around the house! She can pivot and turn the other way to 'run' from us when we pretend to chase her and can even run around with a toy in her hand! She still loves to eat and will eat anything we offer. Now, we've noticed that she is finally beginning to reject food when she's full (she would just eat and eat before).
From the Speech Path. in me---She is starting to talk and says a few one and two-syllable words "ball, more, baba (bottle), bye-bye, hi, dada, mama, hot". She waves hello, bye-bye, and nigh-night, signs 'all done' when she wants down from her chair, tells us when she's hurt by patting her head, and shakes her head no-no when she's doing something she shouldn't (smile). The amazing thing is that she does all of this spontaneously during appropriate moments, not just imitating us---what a sponge in such a short time!
She's a smart little thing and understands ALOT of what we are saying. When I say , "time to go get Sam", she looks towards the garage and waves and says 'bye-bye'. Just like the boys, I've begun a 'case study' of her speech and language development to keep track---I can't help it!